Polygon Labs Acquires Another Leading ZK Engineering Startup Surpassing Milestone Figure in ZK Investments in Less than Three Years

Toposware Joins Polygon Labs to Accelerate ZK Technology and AggLayer Development

Reporter Jenny Lee 2024-06-05 10:57 English DN 50.00

 Type 1 Prover. This marks the third major zk acquisition that Polygon Labs has made in the last three years, following the the acquisitions of Hermez and Mir in 2021.

With a milestone investment figure, Polygon Labs has pioneered the leading zk rollup and developed the foundational technical infrastructure that supports much of zk technology utilized by rollups today.

“The Toposware team’s deep cryptography and zero-knowledge expertise, as well as excellent engineering skills, have made them a perfect fit to help advance our vision of a unified Web3,” said Marc Boiron, CEO of Polygon Labs “Moreover, our previous collaboration on the Type 1 Prover and Toposware’s work on unifying blockchains have demonstrated that they are extremely well-suited to help develop and expand our prover development and the AggLayer going forward.”

The Type 1 zkEVM prover is a highly performant upgrade and open-source contribution to the broader Ethereum ecosystem. As part of a next generation of prover technology, any EVM chain can use the Type 1 Polygon zkEVM prover to become a ZK proof-based chain and connect to Ethereum. Existing chains may leverage Type 1 for better security guarantees or to connect to the AggLayer, a neutral and interoperable network of sovereign blockchains. 

Following the acquisition, the Toposware team will integrate with the existing Polygon ZK development teams to further drive innovation across a diverse suite of tech stacks, including the AggLayer, Polygon CDK, and Polygon zkEVM.

Onboarding the Toposoware team has broader implications for other core Polygon protocols, as well. With community consensus, the Polygon PoS network is slated to join the AggLayer in the coming months, and will thereafter be upgraded to a ZK-secured chain. The Toposoware team will be instrumental in this process, demonstrating Polygon Labs’ commitment to building best-in-class scaling solutions. 

Toposware CEO Theo Gauthier will also join the Polygon Labs engineering team.

“We are excited to join Polygon Labs’ ZK-focused R&D and engineering teams and contribute to unifying Web3 via the AggLayer,” noted Theo Gauthier. “The Polygon protocols are already well-known as leading blockchain scaling solutions, and the AggLayer will undoubtedly take the technical work Polygon is doing to a whole new level in the future.”

With the acquisition of Toposware, Polygon Labs continues to lead in ZK research and development. Core Polygon Labs researchers have been leading the ZK space from theory to reality over the last two years. The research and development work continues at break-neck speed with the growing adoption of Plonky3, which continues to be optimized for performance even after other zk teams continue to rely on it for their development work.  

Galaxy is serving as the exclusive financial advisor to Toposware. 

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